Monday, September 30, 2024


Coming outside is really of no interest to me BUT there are certain things (or people) that I will definitely pop out for.  From August to Labor Day weekend, I did a lot of 'outsiding' and vowed to myself that I wasn't 'outsiding' any more.  At least until the week of Miami Carnival.  Then here comes Mr JamDong Management.... 

In normal fashion the tickets came out and I copped two.  The will is always there once purchasing tickets but then as time gets closer to the event, the excitement dies down and I tend to stay inside but again... Mr JamDong decides to bring SWAPPI to Frazzled. So you know only DEATH was making me miss that, right?!

I got to Bliss Nightclub little after 12:30am.  Although the parking lot was full, the place was a little scanty but it was early still. By the time 1:15 rolled around, the club was full. Not overpacked but comfortable. Just enough people for my liking. By 2, it was time.  Swappi performed and I was singing every word and on cloud 9! I won't give my $0.02 on his performance because I am biased. Swappi can do NO wrong in my eyes.  

Now about JamDong as a promotion team.

JamDong Management is not a promotion that does events every time you bend the corner but as they see fit or if they feel a need. That, I appreciate.  I love that thought is put into their events and it doesn't feel like a cash grab.  Admittedly, Swappi is one of my favorite artists but JamDong choosing to have him carded on this event was refreshing.  How many times are we going to see the same artists? Saying and singing the same thing? The majority of songs sang by Swappi on Saturday, I haven't heard in AGES and to set the tone the DJ played songs to match that era. I relived some of my best times on the road whether they were in a carnival, jouvert and/or fete.  THAT nostalgic feeling is what I want to feel when leaving a fete. The happiness that soca music injects into everyone who hears it and not feelings of regret, wasted time or how drunk one can get.

(just a little snippet, you shoulda been there)

To JamDong: I do not know if you are reading because I've started back blogging and didn't make any type of announcement but I'm here to publicly say that I assure you; you're on to something. Keep doing what you're doing.  Continue to eat little, you'll live long. We, the patrons. See and appreciate you.

Quality over quantity wins 




When's the next one? 

I'm ready!

1 comment:

  1. It is indeed my pleasure to put on an event that the people enjoy. I tend to bring artiste that most promoters will NOT bring for the people. Hence Swappi and prior Mr. Slaughter. My goal is just to bring very good vibes to the people. Thank you for your candid read.

    Kyle - Jamdong


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