Monday, April 27, 2015


This band is comprised of a team of creative Caribbean minds that are dedicated to delivering excellent service without compromising the ultimate Jamborii vibe.  What few Floridians may know is that Jamborii Mas began some years ago as a part of the University of the West Indies (UWI) Campus Carnival in Trinidad and Tobago.  As the Trinidad and Tobago branch came to an end the street party continued as a J'ouvert band in Trinidad and for Carnival and in Jamaica at the Jamaican branch of the UWI Campus Carnival.

Jamborii Mas will be doing yet another expansion.  They will be gracing the South Florida streets as a carnival mas band in the Miami-Broward Carnival and as they say, 'filling the void Miami Broward Carnival masqueraders could not completely fill'.  "We are the missing ingredient of Miami Broward Carnival, we are your band and we are Jamborii Mas"!!!
Come see for yourself as Jamborii Mas has already proven their originality as they've stepped out the box like no other South Florida mas band.  This is a Cooler Breakfast Fete/Band Launch.  This idea was completely genius and once I see another like it, I know where they've seen it first! Jamborii Mas is starting off on the right foot I must say.  There's the originality, the talented group of members who are equally educated and a loyalty that is commendable.  With all the love and positivity both given and received to all individuals involved in this movement, I don't see why Jamborii Mas should be anything but successful. Save the date, May 24, 2015!

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