Thursday, September 15, 2011


Well look at this!  I thought that this was just another phone call that I was going to ignore during my time of silence but I am glad I didn't. I've been mentioned in the Fort Lauderdale Examiner.  It was kind of amusing to me as my name was incorrectly spelt both my 'government' and the 'bka' (better known as), but you know what, people who read it, know it was me and it was flattering that I was mentioned at all.  It made me smile.  

The article was mainly about Island Gems Mas, their journey, their events, the people that have led them to where they are now and what it took for them all to get there. The article dabbled a little about past events and respectively mentioned their upcoming annual Curry Duck lime.  From attending the event for the last two years, I can't say its a fete or anything even close, its just a lime.  But this lime has the feel of a lime from back home.  Any one's home whether home is Trinidad, Tobago, Antigua, Grenada, Jamaica, Guyana, etc.  Where you can come as you are, grab a beer, talk shit and listen to some ole talk from people you have just met and will probably never see again until the NEXT Curry Duck lime but you feel COMFORTABLE doing so.

All I can say is, after all the shit, that has went down I'm happy that I can come back so quickly 6to the DCARNIVALBABY blog and blog about this set of good and most importantly positive people.  THESE are the kind of people you will acquaint should you attend the lime.  These are also the kind of people that you should have in your life on a daily basis. Keep positive people in your life and always push positive that's the only way you will receive positive. With that being said, I will be okay and the blog should be back to normal shortly.

Island Gems 
Island Gems Mas 
Islands United
Foxx Creations
Trini Mafia
Victorious Entertainment 
Neilsa, Nadezda, Kimbily, Cislyn, Coreen, Lucky and Susan
Allyuh is good people, some a little stranger than others (smile) but VERY good people.

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