Wednesday, January 19, 2011


The hottest airline for the Carnival season to Trinidad and Tobago is starting their annual expansion in their number of flights for the Carnival 2011 season.  They will be adding flights only from New York to Trinidad shortly but as time goes by they (in the past) have extend flights from the Ft Lauderdale/Miami area as well.  The total amount of DAILY flights leaving from New York will be FIVE!  Get your requests in order South Florida people because as of right now, its still have only ONE flight out of Ft Lauderdale and ONE out of Miami.  That will not cut it.  Start typing, calling, faxing, whatever you feel you must because I'm sure its not only the New York people itching to go Trinidad for the Greatest Show on Earth!!!!!!!!!

Tuesday, January 18, 2011


SO! Island People has decided to send out invitations of their 'new' signature event to the people on their mailing list yesterday.  The event is called YEAH! and I say yeah, yeah, yeah because with all the buzz and chatter surrounding this event it really came as a surprise that they would NOW send out invitations to their Ipeeps only a week and a half before the event which happens to be on the 22nd of January.  I mean come on, the original announcement invitation was already seen on The Trinidad Carnival Diary since last year two pictures below.


The event will have Mr Island People himself Machel Montano, Denise Belfon, Swappi in 3D (I don't see how this is at all possible to have a live person in 3D), KES the band and the Trinidad's own funny man Mr Buhwamoder, the originator of  the 'Trini Slap Chop in his first fete performance! As a sidenote, I am that Buhwamoder has gotten himself into a bit of trouble SEEN HERE would he still be allowed to perform?  Enough of that, lets just see what YEAH! is all about.


Monday, January 17, 2011


While reading up on the 'happenings' and goings on with Haiti, I was made aware that the country is VERY MUCH still in despair. I don't understand how this could have happened when there was thousands, millions and possibly billions of dollars sent to Haiti.  There are many people that are STILL homeless and have not even been given a dollar to help rebuild their homes.  Whether the condition of the home was bad or good before the earthquakes, once the money has been donated, it has every right to be disbursed!  With Haiti being such a poor country, I think the government could have used this was an opportunity to not only rebuild all that was damaged but fix everything to a point that their country was up to what we would consider at least standard.

While listening to couple news programs and radio talk shows, I heard that the Haitian government has yet to explain where all this money has gone and why exactly minimal to nothing was done with the country after an entire year has passed.  It would be understandable if the some of the debris around the country was at least cleaned up but NOTHING?  It makes me wonder, with the governments withholdings, are they trying to figure out what exactly they should do with the money because there is soooooooo much that has to be done or did they just misspend the money?

To date, there are still many websites and organizations that you can go to to donate funds, clothing and whatever else you can/may have to donate.  But its getting to the point that I think someone needs to step in an try figuring out where this money is really going and what is the intent of the received money.  Im just saying.

Sunday, January 16, 2011


The promise about two months ago is that I was going to put Gods word as my Sunday blogs or nothing.  There has been an overwhelming response to it and I thank you for that.  It shows that people are not only into carnival, bacchanal and current events.  LOVIN' IT ACTUALLY!!!!! I have really been sick and let me apologize (once again) to the faithful people that log onto the DCARNIVALBABY BLOG everyday.  I do look at the stats and numbers you are all producing but sometimes I just can not make it to do an entire writeup.  Shortly you will know why and shorter than that it will all pass.  Hey, its a new year and with that being said, lets head into 'First Things First:  Reaping The Harvest'.

MARK 4:26-29 Then Jesus said, "The kingdom of God is like someone who plants seed in the ground.  Night and day, whether the person is asleep or awake, the seed still grows, but the person does not know how it grows.  By itself the earth produces grain.  First the plant grows, then the head, and then all the grain in the head.  When the grain is ready, the farmer cuts it, because this is the harvest time".

*Everyone wants a good harvest but not everyone wants to put in what it takes to get the good harvest*

  • Gods word is Seed.
MARK 4:3
MARK 4:14
MARK 4:15
(The seed is the word)

  • The bible describes our bodies as Seed.

  • The bible describes our finances/resources as Seed.


1.  WHAT you plant determines what will grow!
If you plant orange seeds, you get oranges.
If you plant mango seeds, you get mangos.
If you plant an acorn, although it many not look like an oak tree, that is precisely what you'll get.
GALATIANS 6:7-9 you will ALWAYS reap what you sow.  What the world calls karma the bible calls *reaping what you sow*
This applies to your attitude, actions and resources as well. If you are negative all the time, that may just be what you are always faced with.  The seeds that you plant in your life, is what will grow and YOU will harvest on that! If you don't like whats going on in your life, change the seeds that you are planting.

2.  WHERE you plant determines what will grow.
This would be your time, your resources, etc.

3.  WHEN you plant determines what will grow.
If you plant particular seeds at the wrong time, your seeds will not grow.  If you are not seeking God FIRST! your seeds WILL NOT GROW!  Give God what belongs to God 1st and don't give him your last.  Once you give God first, he will put you 1st.  How can you try to cheat God?   Once you take care of His house he will take care of yours.  FYI you don't cheat God but end up cheating yourselves!
MALACHI 3:6-12

4.  How you give determines how much you will receive.

ROMANS 8:31-39

God LOVES a cheerful giver.  Don't be 'guilted' into doing it, if you are DON'T DO IT.  Your giving, offerings, tithing and time spent is between yourself and God.  A cheerful giver will always have what they need. 

Wednesday, January 12, 2011


Well YES! It's another Tempo Wednesday on Trinidad & Tobago's #1 Soca and Chutney Station an oh gawd, it have New Music fuh so, intoxicating remixes and sic refixes!!!!

Check out Bacchanal Wednesday tonight at 9-11 (Eastern Standard Time) at BACCHANAL RADIO  As you listen you can send out a shout out, give a request and for you mobile listeners, you can get your MOBILE LINK HERE.
These links are good EVERY day and all mixes can be saved to your computer or downloaded to CD, this is one show you WONT want to miss!

***After loving the show, you wont have to look for this post, you can always find the link to his TEMPO  podcast on the list of favorite links to the right******


Tuesday, January 11, 2011


Okay, its time I put this out there so someone can please enlighten me on the topic.

For some months now there has been a rumor circulating that facebook will be NO MORE and they will be shutting down THE best social network that I have come to know on the 15th of March, 2011.  I am writing this blog today not to inform of anything but to pick the brain of all who read it.  Please, either leave me a comment or respond to with any factual info that you may have being that I have sent the 'facebook Gods' numerous emails and have gotten no answer on the topic.  What I have gotten so far through the grapevine (so don't quote me on this) is that the creators of the facebook network were sued by other individuals that helped put the network together.  They thought they were owed more than what they initially got.  Basically greed SMH  I don't know if they started this rumor because of the facebook movie that came out or there it is really true but what I do know is, they dont owe their members any explanation and CAN shutdown their network without warning.  Look at Napster and Limewire.  Different situations completely but I'm drawing a reference on how they were here today and gone tomorrow.

Monday, January 10, 2011


1. Tuesday January 11, 2011 CHECK
2. 10pm on cable channel BET  CHECK
3. Popcorn ready for the poppin CHECK
4. Ready to root for team Melanie CHECK CHECK CHECK!!!

Tomorrow night is check mate to all you "THE GAME" fans!!!!!  This day has been long awaited and I don't know whats better, the fact that THE GAME is back on television, that it will now be on BET or that it is going to have its original cast AND writers!!!  Same cast and writers means that it will be as if the show NEVER came off the air!  I for one am excited and can not wait for the premier of season 4 as Girl Melanie will now be the wife of new found football barely a star yet Derwyn.

This was the cast before the show was cancelled.


Not too much liking all the makeovers but lets see if the body of Kelly (which we all have to agree is pretty frickin-ah-may-zin) can lure back her exhusband Jason.  If Tasha will finally end up with Rick Fox, you know 'RICK'........'FOX' or if she will stay consumed with Malik and his affairs.  OMG! And how on earth will 'Girl Melanie' also known as 'Med School' deal with her newlywed husband that is just as new a father with his exgirlfriend?  

What an explosive ONE HOUR EPISODE THIS WILL BE!!!!!! Check out the game, tonight on BET at 10pm BOOM!

Saturday, January 8, 2011


To help celebrate the 2nd year anniversary of the monthly BOOM fete of South Florida, we will have Skinny Fabulous performing live for the crowd and the new venue Calder Casino Rooftop!!!!!
Can we repeat New Year + New Venue = BIG THINGS!!!!!

Special shout outs to Party People Mas and Islands United for making this happen for 2 years STRONG!


Well GOOD DAY to you all and a big big apology to you all for not posting a blog yesterday.  I am still kind of new to this and sometimes it is kind of challenging to find something interesting for you to read every single day. Then there are other times when some of the news I get is so shocking that I just don't know how to post it without making any bitter enemy, feel me?

Anyhow, today I will be sharing with you just how dedicated I am to this blog and you, my readers because I went to sleep after 4 this morning because (I'm putting it out there Lessel) the cook at the Soca Ranch kept giving me food to sample.  My blasted eye an dem so big and the aromas were tickling my nose so naturally, I didn't decline. SMH I couldn't sleep because my belly was so full an the hubby was lets say *nice from the beers and Johnnie that kept coming.  He an all couldn't sleep (talking my ears off because he can't wait for Friday to come again).
Picture of 'The Soca Ranch' sellin food for Miami Carnival

Gerard and Camilla (a married couple) started 'The Soca Ranch' a good while ago by selling bbq chicken in front of Lovey's Roti Shop for about two months but they decided to start doing the damm thing at their home because good news spreads fast and the crowd of people that came needed some taming and what better place than that of your home. When entertaining on private property, you almost never go wrong.  The name 'The Soca Ranch' was given to them  from a man named Alvin (Alvin from People Choice Sound System in New York).  He came to the establishment when it was just a place to lime and have some beers and he was in awe with the land the property was sitting on and jokingly said that this was not a common lime but a 'Soca Ranch' and with that, like any other Trini slang, it stuck.  From then to now, the menu has broadened dramatically and you can still go to The Soca Ranch on ANY given Friday to sample their bake an shark, shrimp burgers, bbq chicken, fried rice, Chinese style chicken, you name it.  I was also told if there is something they don't sell, make a suggestion, it may be on the menu in a couple weeks.

I loved the vybe and the people.  I went there not knowing anyone but my two friends that invited me and my hubby and felt very at home and most of all comfortable.  Its a good look for anyone looking to kick back, full your belly, ole talk, play cards and have a couple drinks.  I give The Soca Ranch two thumbs up, as for the hubby, he's already making plans for next week Friday.

For privacy reasons I will not give an address to this spot but you can link them on facebook HERE!

Thursday, January 6, 2011


Well if I ever wanted to get a blog out, it was today!
While listening to a morning show today I was made to understand that there is a substance named K2 that is not only legal but is now taking the place of the illegal drug marijuana in children's schools.  As of the 24th of December 2010 the substance has been banned in the state of Florida partly because there is NO test for it.
Kids in Florida are calling it straight out K2 (which is what it is), Black Mamba and Spice.  Bragging that it is the new legalized weed being that you get the same high as you do with weed.  It has been reported that you do not get hallucinations but you still get your munchies and all.  The drug however is so not like the real thing though.  The drug has reportedly caused children to go into convulsions.  Although weed is illegal and K2 is legal. I have never heard of any straight weed (weed that is not mixed with some other 'enhancement') putting anyone in the hospital, causing convulsions or death.  Sad thing is, this drug is being sold on the streets for $10 a pop and being that it is called the 'new legal weed' children are going to buy this drug cheap and it can cost them their lives.  Especially since there is NO way to check for it's usage, these kids can get away with it until some kind of testing for the drug is found.  How long will that take?

Parents, please.  Beware of what your children are spending their money on, be mindful of what they are doing outside the home, monitor their behavior and eating habits because this drug is REAL!!!! Talk to your children in depth and maybe before you do, you can read some information on it HERE!!!

Monday, January 3, 2011


While watching my little marathon of THE GAME (which by the way will be starting it's 4TH SEASON on January 11th, 2011 on BET) all weekend.  I was shocked to repeatedly see a commercial for  The commercial begins by asking its viewers what they 'thought' was the leading reason for deaths in the African American community.  A series of people were then asked on camera and they gave answers like cancer, gang related/ violent crimes, AIDS, cancer, diabetes, even heart disease.  These are all answers that even I would have given, but the answer was ABORTION.  Imagine that, JUST as many African American babies are born in the United States, just as many are aborted and that number is horrifying.  You can go to their website and check it out for yourself  RIGHT HERE!  After toggling through the entire webite I then googled images on abortion   All I could do, is shake my head.  I can not tell anyone what to do, nor am I in any way ANY ONE'S judge but after seeing those abortion images, I can not imagine how anyone could ever consider such a thing.  If you have a weak stomach or can not view 'gorey' images I suggest you do not LOOK HERE.

Spread the word about this website it can save a few thousand lives!!!!!

Saturday, January 1, 2011


Should auld acquaintance be forgot, 

And never brought to mind?
Should auld acquaintance be forgot,
And auld lang syne!

For auld lang syne, my dear,
For auld lang syne.
We'll take a cup o' kindness yet,
For auld lang syne. 



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