Monday, November 15, 2010


It is rumored that people shopping already for carnival 2012!  That is some planning for your ass.  Sorry for the language but OMG!!! It have most bands well struggling to get some SECTIONS sold out,  this entire BAND sold out for 2011 and are not looking but SHOPPING for their materials for Carnival 2012!!!!!! WOI!!! I have a really good idea which band it is but I can't really say and not because I have been sworn to secrecy or anything but because I just plain don't know for sure.  It is killing me.  I got this news from the blog of the one I call the carnival Goddess Saucy! (we all know that is in just fun because there is no other than the Almighty God for me).  But could you just imagine.

Talking about Carnival 2012, whats REALLY good with T&T Carnival 2011?  I am not hearing from anyone lately.  I am not hearing from my 1st love ISLANDpeople Mas.  It's like they too busy working on costumes, NOT!(cause we ALL know costumes are no longer made in Trinidad but China).  Could  it be that they are thinking up new ways to lure registrations?  I don't know how many people were willing to trade in wearing a costume on the roads of Port Of Spain for their bedroom lingerie.  I love IP, but I feel a line has been crossed.  Especially with the Meteor Burst.

TRIBE and BLISS are not saying too much of anything either.  Why is that? We know they done SELLOUT yeah, yeah, yeah (for half the band to be resold on FINE AH BAN or Carnival Junction). Then again, maybe not, they have realized what has been going on and changed their registration AND collection process.  So I don't know.

Then there is SPICE who started out big and strong. Yuh couldn't PAY SPICE to shut up but like something silence them.  Maybe the overpriced costumes that are/were 'in my opinion' were waaaaaaay overdone.  The Signature Collection was pretty but just too 'nuff' for me.

Maybe its too early to be hearing anything, I mean, Carnival Monday is approximately 4 months away.  The impatience is just starting to kick in I guess!


  1. But the irony is self same Meteor Burst frontline is sold out. It looks like there is a good-sized market for women who love crossing the line. I'm sure if Zune FL wasn't so overpriced (cuz plenty ppl love that cage bra scene), that would have been sold out by now too.

    Our Trinidad mas costumes are oversexualized and it's slowly eating away at the modest options. That is leaving out folks like us bit by bit. I don't like the trend.

  2. I have played with Island People many a time and from seeing what they have 'SOLD OUT' opposed to what I see on the road, they tend to slap a SOLD OUT sign on costumes that are not doing well. Take for instance the year of 'Heaven on Earth'. The section LOVE was 'SOLD OUT' and I saw 5 (if so much) of that costume on the road in 2008. That was individual, frontline and backline included in that number. From what I saw, the costumes didn't look like they were of Island People either. When people are not making a rush to one of their costumes it seems like they take it off line by claiming it is sold out. Since Im on the topic, what happened to that TEENAGE SECTION? I dont even see it on the website any longer.

  3. I always heard about IP with that tactic. I just thought that since it was only October/November, that costume was genuinely sold out. Who knows. I was thinking along the lines of last year, when they waited until December/January to start slapping "SOLD OUT" on sections.

    And btw, the teenage section is still on the website. You probably missed it or the site was not working right.
    Personally I'm not keen on the idea of teenagers under 18 in an-all inclusive band. To keep them kids from not "trying a t'ing" get liquor is a challenge.
    But whatever.


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